

Opinion:Shifting Trends of Urban Mobility: Electric Scooter Ride is the New Normal


By Faheem Daha,

The recent decades have seen an outburst of technological advancements like never before. Modern devices and gadgets seep into our daily lives and replace outdated products effortlessly. Change is normal and a sign of liveliness. The bustling roads that were once a showplace for big cars are now witnessing a new scene. People today are more intrigued by restoring the environment to a healthy state. While it's impossible to reset the environment in pristine condition. It will be still a success to conserve the environment at its present condition. It requires a lot of continuous effort, mindful practice choices and patience. Preferences of individuals are shaping the trends of urban mobility. One such hot-selling trending product is electric scooters. Each passing day a new e-scooter is joining the fleet. The proliferation of electric scooters in the urban transportation grid is compelling authorities to focus on the development of dedicated infrastructure for these single-occupancy vehicles.


Key triggers behind the surge of electric scooters


The post-pandemic world is facing the aftershocks of COVID-19. Global inflation is one such impact. Unstable fuel prices and unreasonably high car prices are a limiting factor in owning a personalized vehicle. Although the US economy is largely based on credit obtaining a car on lease is easier than the rest of the world. Yet every car leaves massive air pollution. Eco-friendly people are aggressively heading to electric stores to hit the best deal. What can be more exciting than enjoying an independent ride that is economical, convenient, and environment-friendly? You just need to have a few hundred bucks in your pocket to hit the right deal. No worries if you are out of budget, companies like LIME and Bird are offering electric scooters on rental service. Another good news is some states in the USA offer relaxed policies and GOvernment incentives for switching to this eco-friendly vehicle.


Impact of Electric scooters on the environment

Zero tailpipe emission

Conventional scooters draw power from combustion engines. On Average, a normal-sized motorcycle will add 0.18245kg of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere for every mile it covers. On the contrary electric scooters are surging in demand because of their zero to negligible tailpipe emissions. Thus conserving the air quality.



Bye Bye to frustration

Traffic congestion is one of the primary reasons for underperforming individuals. Juggling for way among different vehicles is an uphill task. Electric scooters can now navigate you easily through dedicated bike lanes in no time. Individuals can save a lot of time and conserve their productivity for onsite work. Similarly, returning home frustration-free can restore the domestic environment. It sounds cliche but fresh and healthy individuals are likely to make healthier choices. Just like frustrated peeps resort to cigarettes and alcohol, mindful buddies prefer activities that are safe for them and the environment too.

Critiquing the e-scooters from procurement to production

There has been an ongoing debate regarding the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere while extracting the raw materials, establishing production units to final delivery of e-scooters in the market. There is no denying in accepting that raw material extraction for e-scooters is undoubtedly an energy-intensive process. Yet, the initial environmental cost is offset by the far-reaching benefits it brings to the environment. Additionally, companies are looking for ways to reuse and recycle electrical components that can be retrieved from discarded products. Practices to make the extraction and production process efficient are underway.


Lesser emissions from idling vehicles

Idling vehicles despite being stationery still impart a carbon footprint to the environment since the engine is running and fuel is burning. The slim structure of electric scooters is a big plus. Navigation through populous terrains is swift and trouble-free. The e-scooter rider is a blessing for the rider himself and other road fellows. Why? Because the compactness of this scooter plays a big role in reducing congestion we can have fewer idling vehicles. Because of electric scooters riders' fuel of other cars is conserved along with air quality. Isn't that great? But it does not mean that car drivers keep on polluting the air. They also owe their fair share towards the betterment of the environment.

Electric scooters boast active commutation

E-scooters enable riders to engage in healthy lifestyles without compromising their physical limitation. Elderly people with back and leg pain discourage the idea of the outdoors as walking and bicycling appear tedious to them. Electric scooters besides conserving the environment conserve precious moments too. Like healthy individuals, weak people can enjoy cool breezes, friend reunions and nature walks equally on their much-loved e-scooters.


First and Last-mile commute

Using public transportation is always referred to as an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution. However, a gap always exists between transit points and destinations. E-scooters fill this gap impeccably. No need to pay extra bucks now. As electric scooters have immense portability, they easily fill the gap from your place to the transit station. And then to the final destination.


No parking hassle

Escooter riders enjoy the liberty of hassle-free parking. Identifying a reasonable parking spot for cars is painstaking. Contrary to this you can effortlessly park the e-scooter at the specified area near the actual destination


Convenience on the go

Demand for escooters is surging in urban traffic dynamics. They are ideal, particularly for short trips. With the help of different smartphone applications, you can avail the convenience of riding on the go. Simply locate available e-scooters in your surroundings using the app, unlock and tada there you go! No more need to wait for transport to arrive. Electric scooter rides liberate you from the worries of fuel charges, waiting times, and traffic jams along with better air to breathe in.


There have been a lot of real-life stories advocating how electric scooters emerged as a real heroes. Be it a navigation through densely populated cities or becoming a travelling partner of environmental enthusiasts NANROBOT D6+2.0 never disappoints.


Electric scooters have challenges too

Like every product e-scooter industry has its challenges. Problems like vandalism. improper disposal and safety considerations have raised eyebrows. Public demand for a developed infrastructure is pressing the authorities whether to openly legalize vehicles or not. However, for every problem, there exists a solution. If e-scooter companies join hands with local stakeholders and municipal authorities, there exists a brighter chance that issues will be well taken care of.

Reference link: https://www.nature.org/en-us/get-involved/how-to-help/carbon-footprint-calculator/






Faheem Daha, CEO of a pioneering electric scooter company in the USA, leads with a focus on sustainable urban mobility. His vision for eco-friendly commuting shapes the future of transportation

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